Q+A with Elise Belcher of GirlsLeadKC

Girls Lead KC is an empowerment group looking to bridge the gender gap in politics. Founded during the second cohort of our Social Change Internship, Elise, Annie, Kripa and Becca wanted to hone in on the idea that the root of many women’s rights issues is not having a seat at the table.

Recently, the women held an event in May where people were able to network with congresswomen and councilwomen across Missouri and Kansas over coffee. Now, the founders are working on creating a curriculum to empower young girls in local schools and create more chapters of Girls Lead.

Girls Lead KC Founders posing with panelists at their Coffee With Changemakers event on May 20th inside Messenger Coffee.

(L-R) (Top Row): Susan Sherman (Olathe Deputy City Manager), Ryana Parks-Shaw (5th District Kansas City Councilwoman), Claire Reagan (Panel Moderator), Ashley Bland Manlove (Missouri House of Representatives), and Christina Haswood (Kansas House of Representatives)

(L-R) (Bottom Row): Girls Lead KC founders Kripa Gauba, Annie Fingersish and Elise Belcher.

How did you find out about SCI? What made you apply?

Elise: I heard about SCI through a member of Zero Reasons Why. She shared the link to the application through our Zero Reasons Why group chat. I applied because I have always wanted to create a nonprofit, I just didn't know where to start.

How did you come up with Girls Lead KC as a solution?

Did you know? GirlsLeadKC was featured on the cover of Kansas City Star for their first public event last summer. Check out the article here!

Elise: Through a lot of empathy work and talking to our users! We spent a lot of time conducting surveys, interviewing young women, and doing background research.

Kudos to you on your recent event. Can you tell us about the purpose and outcome of Coffee With Changemakers?

Elise: One thing we noticed was that many of our participants' families wanted to be involved with Girls Lead at some capacity. Coffee With Change-makers was a chance for people of all ages to come and learn more about women in politics along with learning more about Girls Lead. It was a really unique event for us and we learned a lot more about our target audience. It also showed us how we can expand the types of events we host.

(L-R) Elise Belcher, founder of Girls Lead KC, speaks with an attendee at “Coffee With Changemakers”

What is the plan for GirlsLeadKC going forward?

Elise: The current obstacle Girls Lead has to overcome is transitioning into new management. I will be out of the state for college and will not be able to contribute at the same capacity to Girls Lead. We are looking at recruiting a couple young women to be on the Girls Lead board to help keep events coming!

What would you say to anyone looking to apply to SCI?

Elise: SCI is an amazing opportunity to help make your dreams of changing the world a reality!

What are you passionate about?

To learn more about Startland Education’s Social Change Internship, visit our landing page.

Thank you to our partners:


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